Our Services


Henries PLLC is a new kind of law firm designed specifically to aid in-house legal departments and business teams adjust the size of their legal teams as needed.  Whether a valuable member of the legal staff recently departed the company, you are engaging in a large transaction or you do not have the budget, need or inclination to hire full-time legal staff, Henries PLLC can structure a program that will best suit your needs. The benefits of this approach are that you will have a dedicated legal resource, with deep in-house experience, that will learn your company and corporate preferences quickly while providing commercially focused and industry-specific legal advice.   

Henries PLLC is open to alternative engagement structures. Below are the most commonly selected options.   



we can help with…

Below is an extensive, yet non-exhaustive, inventory of the types of agreements & services with which Henries PLLC has experience. please reach out if you are looking for additional services.

  • Confidentiality Agreements

    Debt Collections 

    Non-Disclosure Agreements

  • Anti-Money Laundering Policies

    Anti-Trust and Competition Law Advice

    Casino Sales Regulations

    Conflicts of Interest Policies

    EU REACH Policies

    FCPA and UK Bribery / Corruption Policies

    FTC Social Media, Advertising and Marketing Advice

    Corporate Codes of Conduct

    Compliance Program Structuring and Implementation Assistance 

    Compliance Training 

    Corporate Compliance Plans

    OFAC Policies

    Product Recall Handbooks and Procedures 

  • Articles of Incorporation


    Corporate Formations

    Corporate Secretarial Services

    Governance Compliance Advice

    Governance Documents

    Management of Books and Records


  • Background Check Policies

    Business Continuity Plans

    Employee Handbooks

    Employee Terminations and Separation Agreements

    Employment Agreements

    Independent Contractor Agreements

    Internship Programs

    Offer Letters

    Social Media Policies

    Temporary Employment Agreements

  • Data Set Agreements 

    Software Developing Agreements

  • Boutique License Agreements

    Co-Branding Agreement

    Franchise Agreements

    International Development 

    Joint Ventures

    Product License Agreements

  • Manufacturing Labeling and Testing Protocols

    Master Sourcing Agreements

    Production Manuals

    Product Labeling Advice

  • Endorsement Agreements

    Events Agreements

    Hotel and Venue Agreements

    Influencer Agreements

    Influencer Marketing Guidelines

    Master Services Agreements

    Model Agreements

    Photographer Agreements

    Social Media Take-Down Notices

    Sports Sponsorship Agreements 

    Sweepstakes and Contests

  • Equipment Leases

    HVAC Agreements 

    Recovery Services Agreements

  • Distribution Agreements

    Personal Shopper Agreements

    Sales Agency Agreements

  • Accord Commercials

    Cap-Ex Agreements

    Commercial Partnership Agreements

    Concession Agreements

    Consignment Agreements 

    Global Shipping Agreements

    Purchasing Policies

    Operating Procedures 

    Return Policies

    Shop-in-Shop Agreements

    Supplier and Vendor Account Documentation

    Supplier Funded Staffing Agreements

    Terms and Conditions of Purchase 

    Terms and Condition of Sale

    Vendor Compliance Manuals

  • Trademark Registration

    Cease and Desist Letters

    DMCA Takedowns

    Social Media Monitoring